東北大学大学院 文学研究科 美学・西洋美術史研究室


No.14 (1992.12)

The Prophets, The Sibyls and the Spandrels of the Third Period-Research on the Sistine Chapel ceiling paintings by Michelangelo,7 / Hidemichi TANAKA

Siena-Firenze-Assisi: Nuova Proposta su Ambrogio Lorenzetti / Hisashi YAKOU

L'Allegoria delle Tre eta e dell'Amor sacro e profano di Tiziano / Toru IKEDA

Chinese and Japanese Painting Catalogue of Ryuei / Seminar on Historical Sources in the Department of Oriental and Japanese Art History

The Armor of The Four Guardian Kings in The Golden Hall of Horyuji Temple / Ko NOGUCHI
