東北大学大学院 文学研究科 美学・西洋美術史研究室


No.6 (1984.3)

Giotto and the influences of the Mongols and the Chinese on his art - A new analysis of the Legend of St. Francis and the fresco paintings of the Scrovegni Chapel / Hidemichi TANAKA

First Public Sculpture in the Early Renaissance Florence -Donatello's Lost Dovizia / Masahiko MORI

Observations on the motif of Saskia's drooping head in the drawings by Rembrandt during the l630's / Akihiro OZAKI

Tradition and Creation in the History of 17th Century Japanese Painting / Hiromitsu OGAWA

Remaks on the "Landscape with Sun and Moon, Kongo-ji Temple, Osaka" / Mari OBUKI

The Jizo Bodhisattva Statue in the Rokuharamitsu-ji Temple / Mitsuharu IWASA
